Product List & Specifications

Our Processing Plant

Our milk processing plant in Tempe is the heart of UDA.

Since the start of the twenty-first century, we’ve developed a wide assortment of 24 blended dry products along with USDA certified sweet cream and condensed skim milk.

All products are available in bulk:

  • Truckload
  • 50 lb bags and totes.
  • 25 kg bags and totes.
  • 20 kg bags and totes.

We Also Make Cheese!

In 2009, we started making fresh cheese and cheese curds at our Tempe campus. Sold under the Arizona Farms brand name, it can be found at retail outlets throughout the state.

For Sales Inquiries

Dry Products

Nonfat Dry Milk

Product Description 
Grade A Low Heat NFDM is spray dried nonfat milk which has been subjected to a low heat treatment. It contains the lactose, milk proteins, and milk minerals in the same

relative proportions as they occur in fresh milk. It is made from fresh, pasteurized nonfat milk to which no preservative, alkali, neutralizing agent, or other chemical has been added.


Skim Milk Powder

Product Description 
Spray dried Skim Milk Powder in the powder resulting from the removal of the fat and water from fresh milk from cows.


Milk Protein Concentrate

Product Description 
Grade A Low Heat Milk Protein Concentrate 40% is a spray dried, free flowing milk protein and is an equivalent replacement for conventional nonfat dry milk. MPC40 is made by processing Grade A skim milk by ultrafiltration, which removes a portion of the lactose. The resulting concentrated milk proteins are subjected to evaporation and spray drying. This

product is OU kosher certified and is manufactured entirely in the USA.



Product Description 
Unsalted/Salted Sweet Cream Butter is a fatty product derived exclusively from milk, principally in the form of an emulsion of water-in-oil. The ingredient is pasteurized, fresh sweet cream.


Grade A Buttermilk Powder

Product Description 
Grade A Buttermilk Powder is a dried milk product which has been manufactured from buttermilk produced during the churning of sweet cream into butter. Due to its unique flavor, buttermilk powder is a favorite ingredient for prepared mixes, frozen desserts, and baked goods.


Whey Protein Concentrate 34% Protein

Product Description 
Whey Protein Concentrate 34% is manufactured by ultra-filtration and spray drying of fresh sweet cheese whey. High quality milk and soft processing conditions impart our WPC34 a high solubility and an excellent taste.



Our virtually colorless and odorless product is noticeably different from other competing products, and its diverse applications range from nutritional, to pharmaceutical, to cosmetic.

Edible Lactose Specification

Fluid Products

Grade A Condensed Buttermilk

Product Description 
Grade A Condensed Buttermilk is the remaining serum liquid which has been separated from the butter during the butter manufacturing process. Liquid buttermilk is pasteurized, condensed, and cooled prior to shipment.


Whey Protein Concentrate Liquid

Product Description 
Whey Protein Concentrate is produced from sweet dairy whey in an Ultrafiltration system, where some portion of the lactose and minerals are removed, resulting in an increased protein level.

Raw Milk

Product Description 
Grade A raw milk is the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrums, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows (CFR 131.110).

Raw Whole Milk

Condensed Skim

Product Description 
Grade A Low Heat Condensed Skim Milk is made from Grade A whole milk which has been separated, pasteurized, and condensed by the partial removal of water using minimal heat or by any other process which leads to a product of the same composition and characteristics.


Skim Milk

Product Description 
Grade A raw skim milk is made from Grade A whole milk which has been separated using mechanical separation.


Grade a sweet cream

Product Description 
Grade A Sweet Cream is made from Grade A whole milk which has been separated using mechanical separation.
